
4.1 Purpose and Vision of the GPT Plus Token

The digital realm teems with tokens, each asserting its uniqueness. What then, distinguishes the GPT Plus token? It is our commitment to ensure that every token has a clear purpose, and each transaction resonates with our overarching vision: fostering a transparent and thriving community.

4.2 Functions of the Token

4.2.1 Utility Functions

Platform Access

By holding GPT Plus tokens, users unlock a world of AI possibilities. These tokens serve as a passport to high-priority processing, advanced models, and the elusive realms beyond the free quota.


Loyalty begets loyalty. We acknowledge and appreciate our long-term patrons by offering them a chance to stake their tokens. This not only solidifies their commitment but also grants them a front-row seat to exciting beta features and developments.

Data Purchase

In an age where information is power, the GPT Plus token is the currency of choice for knowledge seekers. It's not just about buying data; it's about securing insights that are validated and backed by the trust of the GPT Plus platform.

4.2.2 Governance Functions

Decision Voting

A democratic ethos thrives at the heart of GPT Plus. Every major shift, addition, or pivot on our platform is put to vote. Each token then transforms from a passive asset to an active voice, echoing the collective aspirations of our community.

Proposal Submission

Innovation isn't monopolized; it's democratized. With GPT Plus tokens, every holder becomes a potential visionary, pitching ideas, suggesting refinements, or sparking partnerships.

4.2.3 Reward Functions

Model Training

As our AI models evolve, the need for diverse data and computational prowess grows. To those who heed this call, offering their resources, the GPT Plus tokens stand as a testament to their contribution and our gratitude.

Community Contributions & Development

A thriving platform owes its vibrancy to an active community. Be it code enhancements, debugging, or other beneficial inputs, contributors find their efforts not just acknowledged, but richly rewarded with tokens.

Referral Programs

Spreading the word has its perks. As new members join our family, thanks to the endorsements of existing ones, tokens flow as tokens of appreciation.

4.3 Token Distribution

GPT Plus believes in equitable distribution, ensuring all stakeholders from developers to early supporters, from partners to the public, have a stake in our shared future.

a. Public Sale (40%)

A substantial portion is earmarked for the public sale, offering a wide spectrum of investors and community members an opportunity to be part of GPT Plus's journey.

b. Team & Advisors (20%)

A fifth of the total supply is allocated to the team and advisors. This includes a vesting period, ensuring that the core team is incentivized to stay committed and aligned with the project's long-term vision.

c. Reserve (15%)

Set aside as a contingency for unforeseen needs or strategic initiatives that may arise in the future.

d. Rewards & Incentives (15%)

Allocated to incentivize community engagement, model training, and other platform-specific contributions.

e. Partnerships & Collaborations (5%)

Reserved for fostering alliances with other platforms, businesses, and educational institutions that align with the platform's objectives.

f. Community & Ecosystem (5%)

Dedicated to fueling community-led initiatives, outreach programs, and ecosystem developments.

4.4 Token Sale Structure

In the economic landscape of GPT Plus, the token sale structure is designed to establish a stable and sustainable foundation for the platform's native currency. This structure is not only a reflection of our commitment to fairness and transparency but also an embodiment of our strategic vision for the long-term growth and stability of the GPT Plus ecosystem.

4.4.1 Pre-Sale (Private Sale)

Allocation and Incentives:

The pre-sale phase targets early backers and institutional investors who believe in the potential of GPT Plus. With an allocation of 10% of the public sale, equating to 6% of the total token supply, this phase offers a unique opportunity to participate before the wider market.

Discount Structure:

To reward early trust and support, the tokens during this phase are offered at a discount of 20-30% relative to the price set for the forthcoming public sale. This discount not only acknowledges their early commitment but also sets the stage for robust initial support.

4.4.2 Community Sale Allocation and Eligibility:

The community sale accounts for the remaining 60% of the public sale, translating to 24% of the total token supply. This sale is tailored for our community members: existing platform users, active contributors, or those engaging with specific community tasks and promotions.

4.4.3 Vesting Periods

Long-term Commitment:

  • For the team and advisors, a vesting period is in place to ensure alignment with the platform's long-term objectives:

  • Initial Year Cliff: A one-year lock-up period post-ICO, during which tokens cannot be sold or transferred.

  • Gradual Release: Post-cliff, the vested tokens will be distributed monthly over the subsequent three years, supporting sustained commitment and gradual market entry.

4.4.4 Token Burn Mechanism

Ensuring Scarcity and Value:

To maintain the token's value and scarcity, any tokens unsold during the public and community sales will be burned. This decisive action demonstrates to investors and users that GPT Plus is dedicated to preventing inflation and market saturation.

Platform Fee Burns:

Furthermore, a percentage of tokens collected as platform fees will also be subject to periodic burns, further ensuring the deflationary nature of the token and alignment with the ecosystem's growth.

4.4.5 Geographic Restrictions

Compliance and Regulations:

The token sale will adhere to international laws and regulations, which may result in geographic restrictions. Participants from certain regions may be ineligible to partake in the sale due to their local legal frameworks, ensuring that GPT Plus operates in full compliance with global regulations.

4.5 Ensuring Token Security

Multi-signature Wallets:

These wallets embody the saying, 'Trust, but verify'. By mandating multiple authorizations, they seal any security loopholes.

Regular Smart Contract Audits:

Our commitment to security isn't static; it’s dynamic. Through routine checks and audits, we stay a step ahead of potential vulnerabilities.

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